The General Prologue - The Parson
A country parson, poor, I warrant you;
But rich he was in holy thought and work.
He was a learned man also, a clerk,
Who Christ’s own gospel truly sought to preach;(5)
Devoutly his parishioners would he teach.
Benign he was and wondrous diligent.
Patient in adverse times and well content,
As he was oft times proven; always blithe,
He was right loath to curse to get a tithe,(10)
But rather would he give, in case of doubt,
Unto those poor parishioners about,
Part of his income, even of his goods.
Enough with little, coloured all his moods.
Wide was his parish, houses far asunder,(15)
But never did he fail, for rain or thunder,
In sickness, or in sin, or any state,
To visit to the farthest, small and great,
Going afoot, and in his hand a stave.
This fine example to his flock he gave,(20)
That first he wrought and afterwards he taught;
Out of the gospel then that text he caught,
And this figure he added thereunto—
That, if gold rust, what shall poor iron do?
For if the priest be foul, in whom we trust,(25)
What wonder if a layman yield to lust?
And shame it is, if priest take thought for keep,
A shitty shepherd, shepherding clean sheep.
Well ought a priest example good to give,
By his own cleanness, how his flock should live.(30)
He never let his benefice for hire,
Leaving his flock to flounder in the mire,
And ran to London, up to old Saint Paul’s
To get himself a chantry there for souls,
But dwelt at home and kept so well the fold(35)
That never wolf could make his plans miscarry;
He was a shepherd and not mercenary.
And holy though he was, and virtuous,
To sinners he was not impetuous,
Nor haughty in his speech, nor too divine,(40)
But in all teaching prudent and benign.
To lead folk into Heaven but by stress
Of good example was his busyness.
But if some sinful one proved obstinate,
Be who it might, of high or low estate,(45)
Him he reproved, and sharply, as I know.
There is nowhere a better priest, I trow.
He had no thirst for pomp or reverence,
Nor made himself a special, spiced conscience,
But Christ’s own lore, and His apostles’ twelve(50)
He taught, but first he followed it himself.
— Caitlin, Owl Eyes Staff
Notice that the narrator has called most of his companions the best at their occupations. While most of the other descriptions juxtapose the idea of being the best with qualities that make each character disreputable or repugnant, this description of the Parson seems genuine. Because he is not hypocritical and he follows what he teaches, the Parson stands as the only character thus far who the narrator describes without sarcasm or irony.
— Caitlin, Owl Eyes Staff
Unlike most of the other characters mentioned in the Prologue, the Parson does not seem to care about wealth or appearances. Notice also that the narrator has started with a description of his actions rather than his attire.
— Caitlin, Owl Eyes Staff
A parson was a priest of an independent church. While vicars were priests that were monetarily supported by the Roman Catholic Church, a parson gained his revenue from the contributions of his parishioners.