"The blood-stainèd trace of Swedes and Geatmen,
          The death-rush of warmen, widely was noticed,
          How the folks with each other feud did awaken.
          The worthy one went then with well-beloved comrades,
5       Old and dejected to go to the fastness,
          Ongentheo earl upward then turned him;
          Of Higelac's battle he'd heard on inquiry,
          The exultant one's prowess, despaired of resistance,
          With earls of the ocean to be able to struggle,
10      'Gainst sea-going sailors to save the hoard-treasure,
          His wife and his children; he fled after thenceward
          Old 'neath the earth-wall. Then was offered pursuance
          To the braves of the Swedemen, the banner to Higelac.
          They fared then forth o'er the field-of-protection,
15      When the Hrethling heroes hedgeward had thronged them.
          Then with edges of irons was Ongentheow driven,
          The gray-haired to tarry, that the troop-ruler had to
          Suffer the power solely of Eofor:
          Wulf then wildly with weapon assaulted him,
20      Wonred his son, that for swinge of the edges
          The blood from his body burst out in currents,
          Forth 'neath his hair. He feared not however,
          Gray-headed Scylfing, but speedily quited
          The wasting wound-stroke with worse exchange,
25      When the king of the thane-troop thither did turn him:
          The wise-mooded son of Wonred was powerless
          To give a return-blow to the age-hoary man,
          But his head-shielding helmet first hewed he to pieces,
          That flecked with gore perforce he did totter,
30      Fell to the earth; not fey was he yet then,
          But up did he spring though an edge-wound had reached him.
          Then Higelac's vassal, valiant and dauntless,
          When his brother lay dead, made his broad-bladed weapon,
          Giant-sword ancient, defence of the giants,
35      Bound o'er the shield-wall; the folk-prince succumbed then,
          Shepherd of people, was pierced to the vitals.
          There were many attendants who bound up his kinsman,
          Carried him quickly when occasion was granted
          That the place of the slain they were suffered to manage.
40      This pending, one hero plundered the other,
          His armor of iron from Ongentheow ravished,
          His hard-sword hilted and helmet together;
          The old one's equipments he carried to Higelac.
          He the jewels received, and rewards 'mid the troopers
45      Graciously promised, and so did accomplish:
          The king of the Weders requited the war-rush,
          Hrethel's descendant, when home he repaired him,
          To Eofor and Wulf with wide-lavished treasures,
          To each of them granted a hundred of thousands
50      In land and rings wrought out of wire:
          None upon mid-earth needed to twit him
          With the gifts he gave them, when glory they conquered;
          And to Eofor then gave he his one only daughter,
          The honor of home, as an earnest of favor.
55      That's the feud and hatred--as ween I 'twill happen--
          The anger of earthmen, that earls of the Swedemen
          Will visit on us, when they hear that our leader
          Lifeless is lying, he who longtime protected
          His hoard and kingdom 'gainst hating assailers,
60      Who on the fall of the heroes defended of yore
          The deed-mighty Scyldings, did for the troopers
          What best did avail them, and further moreover
          Hero-deeds 'complished. Now is haste most fitting,
          That the lord of liegemen we look upon yonder,
65      And that one carry on journey to death-pyre
          Who ring-presents gave us. Not aught of it all
          Shall melt with the brave one--there's a mass of bright jewels,
          Gold beyond measure, grewsomely purchased
          And ending it all ornament-rings too
70      Bought with his life; these fire shall devour,
          Flame shall cover, no earlman shall wear
          A jewel-memento, nor beautiful virgin
          Have on her neck rings to adorn her,
          But wretched in spirit bereavèd of gold-gems
75      She shall oft with others be exiled and banished,
          Since the leader of liegemen hath laughter forsaken,
          Mirth and merriment. Hence many a war-spear
          Cold from the morning shall be clutched in the fingers,
          Heaved in the hand, no harp-music's sound shall
80      Waken the warriors, but the wan-coated raven
          Fain over fey ones freely shall gabble,
          Shall say to the eagle how he sped in the eating,
          When, the wolf his companion, he plundered the slain."
          So the high-minded hero was rehearsing these stories
85      Loathsome to hear; he lied as to few of
          Weirds and of words. All the war-troop arose then,
          'Neath the Eagle's Cape sadly betook them,
          Weeping and woful, the wonder to look at.
          They saw on the sand then soulless a-lying,
90      His slaughter-bed holding, him who rings had given them
          In days that were done; then the death-bringing moment
          Was come to the good one, that the king very warlike,
          Wielder of Weders, with wonder-death perished.
          First they beheld there a creature more wondrous,
95      The worm on the field, in front of them lying,
          The foeman before them: the fire-spewing dragon,
          Ghostly and grisly guest in his terrors,
          Was scorched in the fire; as he lay there he measured
          Fifty of feet; came forth in the night-time
100   To rejoice in the air, thereafter departing
          To visit his den; he in death was then fastened,
          He would joy in no other earth-hollowed caverns.
          There stood round about him beakers and vessels,
          Dishes were lying and dear-valued weapons,
105   With iron-rust eaten, as in earth's mighty bosom
          A thousand of winters there they had rested:
          That mighty bequest then with magic was guarded,
          Gold of the ancients, that earlman not any
          The ring-hall could touch, save Ruling-God only,
110    Sooth-king of Vict'ries gave whom He wished to
          (He is earth-folk's protector) to open the treasure,
          E'en to such among mortals as seemed to Him proper.


  1. The messenger recounts this tale to as evidence for the prediction that the Swedes will retaliate against the Geats. In addition, this section also provides the audience with the details of what happened during this conflict.

    — Owl Eyes Editors