Act V - Scene VII
[Another part of the field.] |
Enter Macbeth. |
Enter young Siward. |
[They] fight, and young Siward slain. |
Exit. |
Alarums. Enter Macduff. |
Exit. Alarums. |
Enter Malcolm and Siward. |
Exeunt. Alarum. |
— Wesley, Owl Eyes Editor
That is, the castle has surrendered without much fight. Siward's statements here suggest that many of Macbeth's soldiers either deserted and ran away or simply laid down their arms against Malcolm's army.
— Wesley, Owl Eyes Editor
While he can't see Macbeth, Macduff recognizes where he is by the sound of the heavy battle raging around him. The fighting against Macbeth is strongest with, as Siward says below, the rest of the fighting not being taken very seriously.
— Wesley, Owl Eyes Editor
As mentioned in the first act of the play, Kerns were lightly armed Irish or Scottish mercenaries who fought with swords, bows, and carried wooden shields. Macduff considers them wretched because they are mercenaries; that is, their honor and loyalty can be bought. This sentiment further reinforces Macduff as an honorable man, sparing his own wrath for Macbeth instead of others.
— Wesley, Owl Eyes Editor
Bear-baiting was an Elizabethan "sport" or pastime in which a bear was tied to a stake and harassed by dogs. Macbeth uses this metaphor to describe his own condition: he finds it impossible to escape from the superior number of enemies and compares himself to the baited bear. Despite this, he continues to fight against all odds, holding faith in the witches' other prophesy that said no man born of woman may harm Macbeth.