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Allusion in To His Excellency General Washington

Allusion Examples in To His Excellency General Washington:

Text of the Poem

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"Fix’d are the eyes of the nations on the scales,..."   (Text of the Poem)

Wheatley’s speaker imagines the Revolutionary War as a spectacle put on for the world. The spectacle is conceptualized as the act of weighing the two warring sides on a set of scales. Literally speaking, while scales are a tool in economic dealings, they are also an ancient metaphor for justice. In classical mythology, the goddesses Justicia and Themis represented justice and were depicted holding a set of scales. The figure two lines later of Britannia “droop[ing] the pensive head” subtly conveys the weighty descent of one side of the scales.

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"Eolus heaven’s fair face deforms,..."   (Text of the Poem)

Eolus, often written as “Aeolus,” is the ancient Greek god of the wind. Aeolus was characterized as a figure whose breath determined the course of the earth’s wind and weather, including “tempests and a night of storms.”

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