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Irony in My Last Duchess

Irony Examples in My Last Duchess:

My Last Duchess

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"She had A heart—how shall I say?—too soon made glad, Too easily impressed..."   (My Last Duchess)

Browning utilizes a poetic device called verbal irony in this selection to demonstrate how the Duke conveys a meaning that is the opposite of the literal meaning of the phrase. In this case, the narrator implies that he did not like these attributes of his last Duchess.

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"Notice Neptune, though, Taming a sea-horse..."   (My Last Duchess)

Notice how Browning uses the statue, which the Duke has had specially commissioned, to ironically reveal the Duke’s inflated self-image: The Duke sees himself as Neptune, the Roman god of the sea, exercising his power over a fragile, defenseless seahorse that symbolizes both his Last Duchess and his future bride.

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