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Historical Context in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

Historical Context Examples in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man:

Chapter I

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"Go ahead, York! Go ahead, Lancaster! ..."   (Chapter I)

The Dukes of York (known historically for its white rose as a symbol) and Lancaster (a red rose as a symbol) in England fought the  War of the Roses from about 1455 to 1485. Stephen is in a schoolroom competition with Jack Lawton, and he imagines the two of them representing York and Lancaster, representatively. He is wearing the white rose of York. Just as the Duke of York was ultimately defeated by the Duke of Lancaster, so too does Jack defeat Stephen during the arithmetic lesson.

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"the Vexilla Regis of Venantius Fortunatus..."   (Chapter V)

“Vexilla Regis” is Latin for “the Banners of the King.” This is a Latin hymn by the Christian poet Venantius Fortunatus (530–609 CE), who was later declared a saint during the Middle Ages.

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