Act II - Scene IX
[The above and the Servant, accompanied by Osip. Bobchinsky peeps in at the door.]
SERVANT: Did your Honor wish anything?
KHLESTAKOV: Yes, let me have the bill.
SERVANT: I gave you the second one a little while ago.
KHLESTAKOV: Oh, I can't remember your stupid accounts. Tell me what the whole comes to.
SERVANT: You were pleased to order dinner the first day. The second day you only took salmon. And then you took everything on credit.
KHLESTAKOV: Fool! [Starts to count it all up now.] How much is it altogether?
GOVERNOR: Please don't trouble yourself. He can wait. [To the Servant.] Get out of here. The money will be sent to you.
KHLESTAKOV: Yes, that's so, of course. [He puts the money in his pocket.]
[The Servant goes out. Bobchinsky peeps in at the door.]