Act IV - Scene XVI

[The same and Osip.]

OSIP: The horses are ready.

KHLESTAKOV: Oh! All right. I'll come presently.

GOVERNOR: What's that? Are you leaving?

KHLESTAKOV: Yes, I'm going.

GOVERNOR: Then when—that is—I thought you were pleased to hint at a wedding.

KHLESTAKOV: Oh—for one minute only—for one day—to my uncle, a rich old man. I'll be back tomorrow.

GOVERNOR: We would not venture, of course, to hold you back, and we hope for your safe return.

KHLESTAKOV: Of course, of course, I'll come back at once. Good-by, my dear—no, I simply can't express my feelings. Good-by, my heart. [Kisses Marya's hand.]

GOVERNOR: Don't you need something for the road? It seems to me you were pleased to be short of cash.

KHLESTAKOV, Oh, no, what for? [After a little thought.] However, if you like.

GOVERNOR: How much will you have?

KHLESTAKOV: You gave me two hundred then, that is, not two hundred, but four hundred—I don't want to take advantage of your mistake—you might let me have the same now so that it should be an even eight hundred.

GOVERNOR: Very well. [Takes the money out of his pocket-book.] The notes happen to be brand-new, too, as though on purpose.

KHLESTAKOV: Oh, yes. [Takes the bills and looks at them.] That's good. They say new money means good luck.

GOVERNOR: Quite right.

KHLESTAKOV: Good-by, Anton Antonovich. I am very much obliged to you for your hospitality. I admit with all my heart that I have never got such a good reception anywhere. Good-by, Anna Andreyevna. Good-by, my sweet-heart, Marya Antonovna.

[All go out.]

[Behind the Scenes.]

KHLESTAKOV: Good-by, angel of my soul, Marya Antonovna.

GOVERNOR: What's that? You are going in a plain mail-coach?

KHLESTAKOV: Yes, I'm used to it. I get a headache from a carriage with springs.


GOVERNOR: Take a rug for the seat at least. If you say so, I'll tell them to bring a rug.

KHLESTAKOV: No, what for? It's not necessary. However, let them bring a rug if you please.

GOVERNOR: Ho, Avdotya. Go to the store-room and bring the very best rug from there, the Persian rug with the blue ground. Quick!


GOVERNOR: When do you say we are to expect you back?

KHLESTAKOV: Tomorrow, or the day after.

OSIP: Is this the rug? Give it here. Put it there. Now put some hay on this side.


OSIP: Here, on this side. More. All right. That will be fine. [Beats the rug down with his hand.] Now take the seat, your Excellency.

KHLESTAKOV: Good-by, Anton Antonovich.

GOVERNOR: Good-by, your Excellency.

ANNA and MARYA: Good-by, Ivan Aleksandrovich.

KHLESTAKOV: Good-by, mother.

POSTILION: Get up, my boys!

[The bell rings and the curtain drops.]