"I hear it in the deep heart's core.
..."See in text(The Lake Isle of Innisfree)
The heart as a symbol represents the center of human thought and emotion, the essence of one’s being. The speaker emphasizes the depth of his feelings for Innisfree by referring to the heart’s “core,” the very center of the center of his being. In this regard, going to Innisfree can be interpreted as a spiritual quest.
"the roadway, or on the pavements gray..."See in text(The Lake Isle of Innisfree)
The “roadway “and “pavements of grey [gray]” refer to the city the speaker longs to escape. “The word “grey,” with its connotations of dreariness and gloom, places the city in sharp contrast to the beauty and peace of Innisfree.
"And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow..."See in text(The Lake Isle of Innisfree)
The speaker’s use of “I shall” in contrast to “I will” in the first stanza is significant. It represents a shift from a present intention to the anticipation of the future on Innisfree. The description of peace as “dropping slow” suggests being enveloped by a descending sense of peace on the island.
"Nine bean rows will I have there, a hive for the honey bee,
..."See in text(The Lake Isle of Innisfree)
The speaker is specific in describing the pastoral life he intends to live on the island in the lake, suggesting that he has given it much thought, perhaps in his daydreams.