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Foreshadowing in Dante's Inferno

Foreshadowing Examples in Dante's Inferno:

Canto 6

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"If thou so far descendest, thou mayst see them..."   (Canto 6)

Ciacco's prediction that Dante will meet these condemned souls proves accurate. He will encounter Farinata degli Uberti in Canto 10; Tegghiaio Albobrandi and Jacopo Rusticuci in Canto 16; and Mosca del Lamberti in Canto 28. 

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"out of Judas' circle..."   (Canto 9)

The fourth and lowest circle in the ninth circle of Hell is "Judecca," so named for Judas, the man who betrayed Christ. In Dante's organization of Inferno, there is no worse sin than betrayal and thus none more deserving of severe, eternal punishment. 

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"she of thy life The future tenour will to thee unfold..."   (Canto 10)

Virgil comforts Dante by telling him that he is soon to see Beatrice, who will tell him of his future.

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"With arrowy hurtling o'er Piceno's field, Whence suddenly the cloud shall burst, and strike Each helpless Bianco prostrate to the ground. This have I told, that grief may rend thy heart..."   (Canto 24)

The prophecy Vanni Fucci gives here foresees the following event: In 1301, the Pistoian White Guelphs, with assistance from the Florentines, expelled the Black Guelphs. The Blacks then began an uprising in Florence, eventually recapturing the city in 1302 and banishing the Whites. This led to Dante's permanent exile. The "cloud" here is an allusion to Morello Malasapina, a successful military leader of the Blacks.

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"To the dawn Our poop we turn'd, and for the witless flight Made our oars wings, still gaining on the left..."   (Canto 26)

Ulysses describes how he and his crew sailed southwest, aiming to arrive at the point on the globe precisely opposite to Jerusalem. Dante identifies this as the location of Mount Purgatory, which forms the setting of the next following volume of the Divine Comedy.

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"Look how thou walkest.  Take Good heed, thy soles do tread not on the heads Of thy poor brethren..."   (Canto 32)

This voice comes from an unidentified traitor who tells Dante to be careful where he walks—a warning Dante will ignore.

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