"Men at some time are masters of their fates:(145)
The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,
But in ourselves, that we are underlings...."See in text(Act I - Scene II)
Cassius uses this logic to draw Brutus into his plan to kill Caesar. Cassius first inflates the magnitude of Caesar's power and threat to the Republic by comparing Caesar a "Colossus" that over shadows all of the other leading Roman citizens. By "stars," Cassius means the destiny laid out by heavenly powers for each man. He displaces the importance of this heavenly power's influence and claims that it is up to men to control their own fate. Cassius uses this logic to contradict Brutus's belief that fate will right the situation and check Caesar's power. Instead, he uses this logic to convince Brutus that they must take immediate action to fight against Caesar's power. This makes Cassius the primary assailant in the plot against Caesar though Brutus comes to be remembered as the ring leader.
"Beware the ides of March...."See in text(Act I - Scene II)
The "ides of March" is March 15th. Each month has an "ides," or middle of the month, but the ides of March became famous because it is the day in which Caesar was assassinated. This bit of foreshadowing has become one of the most famous lines in this play. Caesar hears two warnings from this soothsayer, someone who can see and predict the future, and a warning from a dream his wife has that something bad will happen to him on March 15th. However, Caesar ignores these warnings and ventures out unprotected on this day anyway. This shows that Caesar believes in his own power: he thinks that his is impervious to prediction, danger, and the will of the gods.
"Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look;(200)
He thinks too much; such men are dangerous...."See in text(Act I - Scene II)
Caesar uses this metaphor to compare one's physical appearance to their internal ambitions. He states that "fat men" are content with their lives and therefore not a threat to his rule, while skinny men are "lean and hungry" not only for food but for power. Caesar rightly sees that Cassius threatens his rule and his life. This shows that Caesar is a very perceptive and capable ruler, which works to undermine the conspirator's accusations that he threatens the Roman Republic.
"Think you I am no stronger than my sex,
Being so father'd and so husbanded?..."See in text(Act II - Scene I)
Portia uses this speech to convince Brutus to confide his secrets in her. She reminds him that she is Cato's daughter, a famous Roman statesman who killed himself in battle rather than surrender to Caesar, and his wife. She goes on to wound her thigh to show that she can withstand pain, and will therefore never give his secrets away. This speech and her actions convince Brutus that she is trustworthy, even though he is called away before he can tell her his plans.
"And therefore think him as a serpent's egg
Which hatch'd would as his kind grow mischievous,
And kill him in the shell...."See in text(Act II - Scene I)
Brutus uses imagery to rationalize his choice to join the assassination attempt on Caesar's life. He compares Caesar to a serpent within an egg that is not dangerous before it hatches but becomes deadly once it has hatched. Like the infant serpent, Caesar has not yet proven to be dangerous. This rationale is flawed because it makes claims based on assumptions; Brutus cannot be certain that Caesar will become as threatening as he fears.
"Let's carve him as a dish fit for the gods,..."See in text(Act II - Scene I)
Brutus justifies killing Caesar by stating that Caesar's personal ambition threatens the Roman Republic. He tells the other conspirators that they cannot kill Marc Antony because they are not butchers, but sacrificers. They will kill Caesar and offer him to the gods — he will become a human sacrifice fit for the gods. This metaphor invokes the Roman myth of Tantalus and his son Pelops. When Tantalus invoked the gods's anger by stealing ambrosia from their banquet to give to his people, Tantalus sacrificed his son Pelops and served him to the gods for dinner. The gods were horrified by this act and condemned Tantalus to eternal hunger and thirst. Clotho, one of the fates brought Pelops back to life and restored him into a handsome youth. Brutus uses this story to make his metaphor, but he seems to forget the lesson Tantalus learned about making a sacrifice for the gods's meal.
"When beggars die, there are no comets seen;
The heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes...."See in text(Act II - Scene II)
Calpurnia believes that the comets that were reported from the night before portend the death of a royal. This coupled with her nightmares about Caesar dying, warnings from the priests, and a number of other strange rumors, Calpurnia uses these lines to beg her husband not to leave.
"Cowards die many times before their deaths;
The valiant never taste of death but once...."See in text(Act II - Scene II)
Caesar uses this figurative language to tell Calpurnia that he will not hide from the ides of March even though her dream, the sacrificial lamb, and the soothsayer have warned him against this day. It is unclear whether this is an act of pride or an act of devotion to the gods. Caesar claims that if his death is the will of the gods that he must go as he cannot defy them. However, these lines could also be read as him brushing off these predictions and not believing that he can be killed. In both understandings of these lines Caesar appears to be a courageous man. Unlike the cowards he mentions, he refuses to metaphorically die from his fear and instead face whatever tragedy might befall him. Whether or not this bravery is caused by pride or faith, Caesar is still undoubtedly brave.
"Ay me, how weak a thing
The heart of woman is!..."See in text(Act II - Scene IV)
One wonders where some of the attitudes towards women expressed in the play come from. Not only are there just two female characters in the play, Portia and Calpurnia seem to have accepted their lower social standing as women. In this case, Portia believes her sex has left her with character flaws.
"And Caesar's spirit ranging for revenge,(290)
With Ate by his side come hot from hell,
Shall in these confines with a monarch's voice
Cry “Havoc!” and let slip the dogs of war,..."See in text(Act III - Scene I)
Here, Antony reveals his true rage over Caesar's murder. Up until this point, Antony has remained calm, presenting Caesar as a bad man who did not deserve to die. In private the audience sees his true feelings. He invokes Caesar's ghost and the goddess of ruin, Ate, to wreak havoc on Cassius and Brutus. The "dogs of war" embody the type of animalistic and vicious warfare that Antony wants to wage against Caesar's assassins.
"But I am constant as the northern star,
Of whose true-fix'd and resting quality
There is no fellow in the firmament...."See in text(Act III - Scene I)
Caeser callously rejects the conspirator's plea to repeal the banishment on Publius Cimber. Caesar's lines demonstrate an inflated sense of self-importance. He compares himself to the brightest star in the sky and to an Olympian god. Caesar clearly demonstrates some of the traits that Brutus and his conspirators have mentioned as reason for killing him. However, the audience should question whether or not this inflated speech is grounds for the horrific murder that follows. Caesar claims he has the right to maintain his banishment on Cimber because weakening this punishment would weaken the empire. Ironically, the conspirators see self-interest in Caesar's actions when these actions could be interpreted as symbolic of Rome's power.
"Et tu, Brute? Then fall, Caesar!..."See in text(Act III - Scene I)
This is one of the most famous lines in literature and has come to signify the absolute and ultimate betrayal by one's closest friend. "Et tu, Brute" is Latin for "Even you, Brutus?" Notice that this is one of the only lines within this play spoken in Latin, the native tongue of the Roman Empire. It is rumored that these were Caesar's actual last words, but there is no historical record to support this claim. While this line could demonstrate confusion or bewilderment at the betrayal, Shakespeare adds the final three words "Then fall, Caesar" to make the character die as a hero. He is not confused, but rather accepts his death valiantly, essentially stating that if he has lost the support and devotion of Brutus then he is no longer Caesar. While the conspirators have insisted that Caesar overstepped his bounds and threatened the Roman Republic, this valiant death suggests that he actually did understand his role as a public servant.
"This was the most unkindest cut of all;
For when the noble Caesar saw him stab,..."See in text(Act III - Scene II)
"Unkind" in Shakespeare's time meant unnatural, ungrateful, and degenerate. Antony uses these words to blame Caesar's death on Brutus's character: in essence, it was not the stab wound that killed Caesar, but Brutus's betrayal. Antony's memorial for Caesar quickly becomes a character assassination of Brutus.
"Ambition should be made of sterner stuff...."See in text(Act III - Scene II)
"Stern" means harsh or severe. In painting Caesar as a weak man who lacked stern ambition, Antony makes the ambition of the assassins cold, stern, and self-interested. Unlike Brutus who uses rhetorical questions to guide his audience onto his way of thinking, Antony makes declarative statements. Caesar wept for the poor. Ambition should be stern. This leaves little up to interpretation for the audience and makes Antony's speech stronger.
"Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome
more. ..."See in text(Act III - Scene II)
Brutus uses rhetorical questions and antithesis to make his case to the mob why he and the other conspirators murdered Caesar. In this way, Brutus is able to emphasize both his love of country and his love of Caesar while deemphasizing the murder.
"Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears!..."See in text(Act III - Scene II)
Antony beings his speech, one of the most famous speeches in Shakespearian drama, by parodying Brutus's speech. Brutus says "Romans, countrymen, and lovers, hear me for my cause, and be silent." Antony improves the internal rhythm of the line and invokes an intimacy and shared nationality that Brutus's lines lack. In calling his audience "friends" first, Antony establishes a connection that Brutus's formulaic address lacks. Antony also uses mock humility with his "lend me your ears" as opposed to the arrogant command "be silent" that Brutus uses to command attention. Antony's rhetorical appeal allows him to manipulate the crowd and make them believe his position; Brutus lectured the crowd to get them on his side. For this reason, the crowd supports Antony's claim and turns on Brutus.
"There is a tide in the affairs of men
Which taken at the flood leads on to fortune;(245)
Omitted, all the voyage of their life
Is bound in shallows and in miseries...."See in text(Act IV - Scene III)
Brutus uses this metaphor to convince Cassius to attack Octavian before their enemy can recruit more forces. He uses the tide to show a natural ebb and flow in war and highlight the importance of timing. If they "take at the flood," or go with the tide, they will more likely be fortunate. If they wait then they will miss the fortunate tide and be left in the "shallows," or miss their opportunity.
"Let me tell you, Cassius, you yourself
Are much condemn'd to have an itching palm,..."See in text(Act IV - Scene III)
Brutus accuses Cassius of having an "itching palm," an insatiable, greedy desire for money and power. Brutus accuses Cassius of being too compulsive; he does not think, he simply strives to generate money by any means necessary. While these two conspirators are on the brink of battle with Antony and Octavius, their relationship begins to unravel. Brutus's insult shows that he has begun to mistrust Cassius.
"This was the noblest Roman of them all.
All the conspirators, save only he,(75)
Did that they did in envy of great Caesar;
He only, in a general honest thought
And common good to all, made one of them...."See in text(Act V - Scene V)
After killing Brutus, Antony employs his rhetorical skill to commemorate Brutus. This final claim, that Brutus was the only honorable conspirator since he had Rome's best interest at heart, is ironic. Antony was incredibly angry over Brutus's betrayal earlier in the play and is the one who eventually defeated him. If this was his opinion of the man, then why did he not pardon him or lock him in prison? Now that Antony has won, he must repair the Republic in order to reestablish peace. In praising Brutus, the leader of the other side in this Civil War, Antony makes a rhetorical effort to include those who followed Brutus and welcome them back into the Republic.