Act IV - Scene III
Juliet's Chamber |
Enter Juliet and Nurse. |
Enter Lady Cap. |
Exeunt Lady Capulet and Nurse. |
She drinks and falls upon her bed within the curtains. |
— Caitlin, Owl Eyes Staff
In Shakespeare's time, rich families like the Capulets would be buried in a crypt or mausoleum. A crypt is a cavernous vault or chamber below a church while a mausoleum is a large room build above ground in a grave yard. Bodies would be placed in a crypt or mausoleum instead of burying them in a coffin. This is why Juliet can fake her death without the fear of being buried alive. Instead, her fear is waking up surrounded by the copses of her dead ancestors before Romeo can reach her.
— Caitlin, Owl Eyes Staff
By this Juliet suspects that the potion that the Friar gave her is actually poison instead of a magic humor that will make her appear dead. Since the Friar is the person who married Romeo and Juliet, he could suffer grave repercussions if their union was discovered.
— Caitlin, Owl Eyes Staff
Juliet refers to her dagger to say that if the Friar's potion does not work, she will kill herself in the morning rather than marrying Paris. This is an interesting claim in this speech because she is so tentative to drink the potion. She fears that it will not work, but she also fears that it is actually poison. Her hesitation suggests that her resolve toto kill herself rather than marry Paris may not be as strong as it appears.